
*VAT Included

Fire-resistant hydraulic fluid

Fluido hidráulico glicol agua con aprobación FM que cumple con los requerimientos exigentes de los sistemas hidráulicos industriales, proporcionando máxima seguridad al ser resistente al fuego (POTENCIA)

19 lts

More details you should know about this product

Fire-resistant hydraulic fluid

Our FM-approved, glycol-water hydraulic fluid, meets the demanding requirements of industrial hydraulic systems, providing maximum safety as it is fire-resistant.

• The fluid provides maximum safety in terms of fire resistance with the optimal combination of performance and economy characteristics for the user.

• EQUISAFE 900 is manufactured with selected raw materials and the most advanced technology for reduced risk hydraulic fluids.

• Recommended to meet the demanding requirements of industrial hydraulic systems. Consult the company if you require a different use than the one mentioned here.

• Clear red fluid

• 9.30 – 10.10

• 185 – 215

• 200

• 36 °C (-33 °F)

• Does not apply

• Does not apply

• 1.08

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Mexican product. Exportation quality.


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